1. Organizer
The organizing company is Koupas S.L. (hereinafter “Koupas Peluqueros” or the “organizer”), with address in Seville, Calle Bailén 22, CIF number B41133026 (more information at www.koupas.es), and organizes a raffle (hereinafter “the GIVEAWAY”) under its responsibility and in accordance with the bases detailed below.
2. Requirements to participate
Only people over 18 years of age with an address in Seville, Huelva, Granada (Spain) may participate in this draw. In order to participate, the participant must be the owner of an Instagram account. In addition, by participating in this draw, the participant agrees to know and comply with the conditions of the respective social network.
3. Mechanics, prize and dates
The particular information of the draw, that is, the mechanics, the prize and the dates of completion and communication of the winner are indicated in the post of the draw itself.
4. Choice of the winner
The winner will be chosen by Koupas Peluqueros randomly through a raffle management platform, among all those registered in the raffle. Koupas Peluqueros will contact the winner to obtain the necessary information. By submitting their personal data, the winner expressly accepts the conditions of the promotions described in these participation rules. In the event that a winner cannot be contacted within 15 days of the winner’s communication, the next participant in the ranking of selected/winners will be contacted.
5. Intellectual Property and Assignment of Image Rights
The winner of the draw knows and consents that his full name and photos enjoying the prize are published by Koupas Peluqueros in all those profiles on social networks where he has an account. The participant declares under his sole responsibility that the photographs that he uploads to his public Instagram profile in relation to the draw or the enjoyment of the draw prize, are not limited by any intellectual and industrial property rights and/or third-party image rights. and that therefore holds the legitimate ownership or, at least, has sufficient permission to publish said photographs. Therefore, the participant discharges Koupas Peluqueros from any liability derived from infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights and/or image that affects the photographs uploaded by users to their social networks in relation to the draw or the enjoyment of the prize of the raffle, assuming all costs and consequences of any claim that in the field of intellectual and industrial property and/or image may arise from the use of said photographs during and even after the end of your participation in the raffle. Koupas Peluqueros reserves the right to limit, in whole or in part, the participant’s access to the draw, as well as to any prize, if it has suspicions or effective knowledge that the participant fails to meet one or more of the participation requirements.
6. Data protection
Koupas S.L., hereinafter RESPONSIBLE, is the person in charge of the treatment of the User’s personal data and informs him that this data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, for which the following treatment information is provided:
End of treatment: maintain a commercial relationship with the User.
Expected consequences: The processing of the data does not foresee any consequence that may have any legal effect or in any other way that significantly affects the Interested Party.
Logic used: To carry out the treatment of the data, an automated procedure is used where all the fields are filtered in order to obtain a result that fits your profile.
Data conservation criteria: they will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the purpose of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for this purpose, they will be deleted with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the data. themselves.
The data will not be communicated to third parties, except legal obligation.
Rights that assist the User:
− Right to withdraw consent at any time.
− Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
− Right to file a claim with the control authority (agpd.es) if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.
Contact information to exercise your rights: Koupas S.L., Calle Bailén, 22, Seville, 41001. Email: [email protected]
7. Tax issues
The winner of the prize will be subject to compliance
compliance with all tax obligations established by the applicable legislation in force, if applicable, being the sole responsibility of paying them.
8. Other rules of use
Offensive comments, insults, threats, foul language, degrading content or disqualifications towards other members of the community or towards our products and services, brands or human team will not be accepted.
9. Acceptance of the bases
The mere fact of participating in the draw implies that the participant fully accepts the conditions of these legal bases. Likewise, participation in a raffle of this nature implies acceptance of the rules of the social network where it takes place. This giveaway is not sponsored or administered by Instagram, therefore, there is a complete exoneration by Instagram.
10. Applicable law
These Bases are subject to Spanish legislation. Any claim related to the draw must be sent in writing to Koupas S.L., Calle Bailén, 22, Seville, 41001. In case of controversy in the application or interpretation of these rules and in the absence of an amicable agreement, all disputes will be subject to the courts. from the city of Seville.